Power BI Reports

Contact: Terri Fayle (tfayle@ksu.edu, 2-7255)

  • PLEASE let me know if during review of a report you wish any additional information was displayed. This is the only way I can create a report you can actually use. Same goes for add'l reports.
  • Under Export, you can export the reports you see to PDF or PowerPoint, but you might not get what you expect. Email me for something specific.

Accessing Reports

  • Navigate to https://app.powerbi.com/home, you may need to login with KSU credentials.
  • From the left hand menu, choose Browse, then Shared With Me. You will find reports shared by Terri Fayle with an Owner name of Research - Fayle.

List of Reports

  • Position Listing Analysis - data source is the annual budget. Updated annually. Only available to Dean/ADR.
  • Research Expenditures - from the HERD survey data, updated annually. Includes only costs K-State has paid for research activity (research PCA code attached to the transaction) from ALL fund sources. It does NOT include non-research coded costs (instruction, public service, etc.).
  • Searchable Proposals & Awards - uses the VPR's annual report data to show Top 20 award recipients and provides a searchable page for all COA faculty.
  • SRO Received Updated - data source is FIS export for specifically shown project numbers. Reports on SRO received INTO the Dean's office and Extension and identifies where that SRO was received FROM. Only available to Dean/ADR.
  • Subject of Investigation FFY - data source is annual director's report. Searchable report if you are looking for how much was spent on specific subjects, like "wheat". Only available to Dean/ADR.