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Proposal Services
Proposal Services staff are here to help College of Agriculture and KSRE faculty and staff manage their proposal development activities. Our office is dedicated to proposal development and we are here to help and support all activities related to your proposal. Some of the specific activities where we can be most beneficial include subaward management, budget development, and navigating the university's electronic research administration system, Cayuse.
Our role
When it comes to your proposals, your first contact should be the grant specialist assigned to your department, see below. Of course, there may be times you are needing support, but your assigned specialist is out of the office. Please feel free to contact any of our grant specialists. We are all here to help you with whatever you may need.
Our role in development of your proposal is to handle those activities you need help with. Please work with your grant specialist to determine what special or particular needs you may have on any proposal. Ultimately, we help you put your proposal into its final form before it goes to PreAward Services. We liaise with PreAward Services on your behalf once you consider the proposal ready to submit. PreAward Services is the only office on campus authorized to submit a proposal to an external sponsor. They will review the proposal they receive from our office, advise your grant specialist of any issues they see, and will submit the proposal to the sponsor.
There may be times when Proposal Services may help you after a proposal is submitted or when a proposal has been funded. These are done on a somewhat limited basis and usually include award activities when we assisted with the proposal. We can assist with preparation of agreements when a university-approved agreement template is utilized. Please know we are glad to help whenever we can, but our goal is to be dedicated to proposal development which will always be our top priority.
Our staff
Please contact any of our grant specialists for assistance:
- Dawn Caldwell, caldwell@ksu.edu, 785-532-2758
- Agronomy
- International Ag Programs
- Reeport, NIMSS, and EZFedGrants
- Kim Pendell, kpendell@ksu.edu, 785-532-6279
- Plant Pathology
- Southeast Agricultural Research Center - Parsons
- All Cooperative Extension departments including Kansas Forest Service
- Ann Ulmer CRA, annulmer@ksu.edu, 785-532-2760
- Grain Science & Industry
- Entomology
- Ag Economics
- Agricultural Research Center - Hays
- AES appointed faculty in Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- Adassa Roe, CRA, adassa@ksu.edu, 785-532-0784
- Animal Sciences & Industry
- Horticulture and Natural Resources
- Communications and Agricultural Education
- Northwest Research-Extension Center - Colby
- Southwest Research Center - Garden City
Cayuse SP
Link to PreAward Cayuse webpage
The document replacing the transmittal sheet is now call IPF or Internal Processing Form.
IPF Info for Faculty
- Be sure to check the Role you have been given under the Investigators/Research Team tab. Lead Principal Investigator and Principal Investigator are PI roles, but Investigator is a Collaborator role.
- Under the Investigators/Research Team tab, all employees in the College of Ag and those in other colleges who have AES or CES appointments, MUST have the AES or CES version of the appointment chosen as their Unit. If these units are not used when the IPF is routed, the IPF will be rejected at the college level (if possible) in order for it to be revised and rerouted. This sub-department represents Oversight in the new system.
- On the General tab, Admin Unit represents the Accounting Department. For your award to be setup in the correct org code for accounting purposes, this field must be accurate. This field will be the main org and not the AES or CES version of the org. Capacity grants will have Capacity Grant as the admin unit.
- On the General tab, the Activity (which was also called Activity on the transmittal sheet) only represents one activity. You no longer have to delineate percentages between multiple activities. On the transmittal sheet you may have chosen 50% basic and 50% applied. Now one of the activities must be 51%, because you only get to make one choice.
- The answers to the questions included in the PI section are responses provided for ALL investigators on the project. Currently there is not a way for each investigator to answer individually.
- When you are completing the PI designated sections, please do not change other sections without contacting your grant specialist. Also, please do not Authorize the proposal, this eliminates the ability of your grant specialist to make changes.
- Capacity projects are included in Cayuse. They will show up on the Current and Pending report that will be available from Cayuse. These projects can have 0% effort.
IPF Info for Department Heads/Unit Leads
- When Department Heads sign off on the IPF and that project includes cost share, there is only one signoff. The cost share is NOT authorized separately. The only way to confirm if cost share is included is to review the budget before authorizing.
- The routing pattern is editable by the creator of the IPF. Some creators edit the routing pattern so more than one signature can happen simultaneously. This means an authorization request may show up in your Inbox more than one time.
Overall Info
What do the numbers mean?
- Cayuse record numbers include a year and an incremental number. Legacy information loaded into the system is number 00-####. New records being created this fiscal year (FY2021) are numbered 21-####. A number with A in front, A21-0111, means an award is in process. In Cayuse the one-to-many relationship is the opposite of FIS. FIS one is Award number (BG####) with many being Project Number (GAEN######). In Cayuse, Project is the one with Awards being the many. For an award in Cayuse the highest level of the "award" record is the Project (Project Administration). Under Project you will find all the Awards listed. A Project Number is A21-0111. A corresponding Award Number is A21-0111-001. Each new modification gets a new code where only the last 3 digits are updated. In this example, A21-0111-002 would be the first modification.
How do I access records?
- Principal Investigators should access their records by going through My Proposals or My Awards then using the tabs to navigate to the appropriate records. Staff should access their departmental records through Proposal In My Unit or Awards In My Unit, then using the tabs to navigate to the appropriate records. Zero Dollar agreements will only be found under My Proposals. Since they do not receive a project number in FIS, then an award record in Cayuse is not created.
How do I determine who routed the IPF?
- On the General Information tab, middle of page there is see Primary Administrative Contact.
How do I determine a related eProposal record?
From the Administer Proposal page (can only be viewed with global access). Go to Proposal in My Unit, search for the record, click on the record number on the left. This should open Proposal Routing Status. From this new screen click on the Administer Proposal button. Click this and you will open Proposal Administration screen. The PADS number is shown on the General tab under Legacy Proposal ID. Use the five digit number to search the PAS field in eProposal.
What is process for marking a pending proposal as not funded?
- Send an email to cayuse@ksu.edu (your grant specialist if you prefer) identifying the Cayuse number, lead principal investigator name, and sponsor. If an email or other correspondence was received from the sponsor, please include this.
How do I tell the status of my proposal?
- Go to My Proposals, then the Submitted Proposals tab. Find the record you are looking for from the list. The current status is listed as the last named column. PreAward Services keeps a full listing of statuses here. Staff with departmental access should go to Proposals in My Unit, find the record, access the IPF by clicking on the Proposal No, then access the Project by clicking on the Project Number.
How do I access the Project Administration screen?
- Use the Award Administration screen instead, see below.
How do I tell the status of my award?
- Go to My Awards, you will find tabs for Awards, Active Projects, and Inactive Projects. Find the record you are looking for from the list, Status is shown in the last named column. PreAward Services keeps a full listing of statuses here.
- Click on the award number (A**-####-00#) to open the Award Administration screen. Here you will find tabs for General Info, People, Budget, Distributions (very helpful), Proposals, Notes and Attachments. If you click on the Project Number at the top you will go to the Project Administration screen. Here you will find tabs for General Info, Awards, Budget Overview, Accounts, Personnel, Proposals, Subcontracts, Notes, and Attachments. Award Administration lies within/under Project Administration.
How do I determine the status of my modification (new funding, time extension)?
- Navigate to Project Administration. Use either My Awards or Awards in My Unit, then Active Projects tab. Find the project and click on the Project Number. Choose the Awards tab, all award transactions will be recorded here. You can see the last recorded transaction which includes the project end date. If a modification you are expecting isn't here, it is still being processed by PreAward Services. If the modification is listed, the current Status is shown in the last named column. PreAward Services keeps a full listing of statuses here.
How do I check on the status of an Outgoing Agreement (Subaward, Consulting Agreement, or Service Agreement) that is issued off of a Project?
- Navigate to Project Administration. Use either My Awards or Awards in My Unit, then Active Projects tab. Find the record you are looking for and click on the Project Number. Choose the Subcontracts tab, all Outgoing Agreements will be recorded here. Click on the link for a specific Subcontract Number in order to see additional information about that Agreement. A listing of all related transactions can be found at the bottom of this screen.
How do I access the Award Administration screen?
- Go to My Awards or Awards in My Unit, search for your project. Click on the number hyperlink and you'll go right to it.