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College of Agriculture

Student Handbook- Class Absence

In most cases, academic performance is directly related to class attendance. Kansas State University's attendance policy is covered under section F62 in the University Handbook. If you have any questions about the class absence policy or procedure, please contact the Ag Academic Programs office by phone, at 785-532-6151, or in person, in Waters 135.


K-State respects its instructors’ need to establish attendance policies for each course and that only through attending class do students receive the fullest educational experience. The K-State attendance policy establishes the following:  

  • Students are expected to attend class meetings as scheduled.
  • Instructors announce their attendance policy at the beginning of the course.
  • Excuses for absence from class are handled between the student and instructor, except when other University offices are involved in the approval process, as explained below.
  • Students are responsible for all missed learning and coursework stemming from any absence.

K-State recognizes that activities outside of the classroom also help students achieve success and other circumstances might make an absence necessary. Students’ University representation, activities and other circumstances may directly conflict with their presence at scheduled class periods.

This policy establishes that certain absences are University Excused Absences.

When a student provides reasonable advance written documentation of the need for a University Excused Absence, in accordance with the provisions below, instructors shall provide the opportunity to either make up or excuse, at the instructor’s discretion, any missed assignments, activities, and/or attendance-specific points that contribute to the course grade. The following sections describe common University Excused Absences and corresponding processes.


Extra-Curricular Activities as a Representative of the University

Students may seek to, or be asked to, participate as a Kansas State University representative in credit or non-credit events scheduled by academic or athletic units of the University. Instructors may require students to provide University documentation verifying the University-scheduled activity and the student’s representation of the University. When these result in a student missing class, that is a University Excused Absence. Some examples of University Excused Absences within this category are:

  • Academic or professional conferences and workshops, including ROTC,
  • Intercollegiate athletic, academic, and judging competitions,
  • Musical, theatrical, dance and other artistic performances, and
  • Presentations or programs given to external audiences.

Please see “ABSENCES EXCUSED AT INSTRUCTOR’S DISCRETION” for extra-curricular activities that are not sponsored by a unit of the University.

Military Service 

Students performing required National Guard or other United States military service obligations qualify for a University Excused Absence when those obligations require the student to miss class. In cases of annual training or active duty for more than two weeks, the student shall coordinate with their instructors, advisor, and the Office of Student Life well in advance of such absences, in close temporal proximity to when the student receives the military orders. For more information, see the Non-Traditional and Veteran Student Services website.

Court Appearances

Students may request a University Excused Absence through the Office of Student Life when the absence is necessary because of a mandated court appearance or other lawfully mandated appearance. The Office of Student Life will evaluate the request and determine whether to approve. Instructors are required to adhere to attendance accommodations that are approved by Office of Student Life.

Disability Reasonable Accommodations

Students may request a University Excused Absence through the Student Access Center when the absence is related to disabilities. The Student Access Center, in accordance with applicable laws, will evaluate the request and determine whether to approve. Instructors are required to adhere to attendance accommodations that are approved by the Student Access Center.

Pregnancy, Childbirth, or Adoption

Students may request a University Excused Absence through the Office of Student Life when the absence is related to pregnancy, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, childbirth, or adoption. The Office of Student Life, in accordance with applicable laws, will evaluate the request and determine whether to approve. Instructors are required to adhere to attendance accommodations for students that are approved by the Office of Student Life. 

Religious Observance

Students may request through the Office of Student Life a University Excused Absence to accommodate their religious observances for a sincerely held religious belief in circumstances where class attendance would interfere with the students’ ability to practice their religion. The Office of Student Life will evaluate the request and determine whether to approve, in accordance with applicable laws. This means that in evaluating the request, the Office of Student Life will balance the attendance requirement’s burden on the student’s practice of sincerely-held religious beliefs against any hardship to the University caused by the student’s absence. Instructors are required to adhere to attendance accommodations that are approved by the Office of Student Life.         


The University may cancel classes due to severe weather and will make this known through inclement weather announcements. Absences resulting from cancelled classes and campus closure are University Excused Absences.

Special Programming and Events

The University may cancel classes due to special programming and events and will make this known through University-wide announcements. Absences resulting from cancelled classes are University Excused Absences.


K-State recognizes that students may miss class for other reasons and that other absences may be in the best interest of students’ academic and professional development. On a case-by-case basis, instructors are encouraged to allow students to make up graded work from an absence.

While not required, students and instructors may also consult the Office of Student Life, Department / Unit Head or Chair, and College Dean’s Office for assistance with absences beyond the student’s control, but that are not University Excused Absences within this policy, such as when an absence results from a personal emergency, non-disability related health issue, or Independent Student Organization (ISO)-related participation.

In the case of a disagreement with the instructor, students are encouraged to contact the Department / Unit Head or Chair, and College Dean’s Office.


A limited number of programs across campus have strict attendance policies to achieve programmatic accreditation. In all such cases, students and faculty shall adhere to the programmatic attendance policies in place in those units.