Academic Forgiveness

The Academic Forgiveness Policy enables an undergraduate student to neutralize, in part, the grade impact of prior academic performance. Academic Forgiveness provides for the computation of an alternative GPA and for the use of that GPA in most academic situations.

A student may apply only once to Academic Fresh Start (pdf) or Academic Forgiveness, and the process cannot be reversed. A student may not apply for either policy until he or she has been reinstated into his or her college.

Academic Forgiveness Conditions

Conditions for a student to be eligible to apply for Academic Forgiveness are:

A) The student experienced one or more extenuating circumstances which caused a drastic change to the student’s academic performance in one or two semesters.

View examples of extenuating circumstances (pdf).

B) After the session(s) affected by the extenuating circumstance, the student earned a K-State GPA of 2.2 or higher at the end of the academic session in which the twelfth credit was earned.

C) Grades from up to two (2) consecutive semesters may be excluded from the regular cumulative GPA calculation.

D) The student’s Academic Standards Committee of the college or its equivalent may request documentation confirming the extenuating circumstances with the application for Academic Forgiveness.

Academic Forgiveness Reporting

The calculation and reporting of Academic Forgiveness GPA and their uses in academic evaluation are:

A) Academic Forgiveness deletes nothing from the student's academic record. Grades earned before the Academic Forgiveness will remain on the transcript along with the cumulative GPA for all hours taken.

B) The transcript will clearly indicate the starting point of the Academic Forgiveness as well as the Academic Forgiveness GPA.

C) University-wide academic policies based on a cumulative GPA generally will use the Academic Forgiveness GPA. However, academic programs are not required to use Academic Forgiveness GPAs. Some programs, such as those in the graduate school or those leading to teacher licensure, may use all grades for the calculation of the GPA.

D) In order for students in the Academic Forgiveness program to be eligible for university academic honors, they must complete a minimum of 60 hours in residence, with at least 50 hours in graded courses after the Academic Forgiveness begins. Other academic policies will not be affected.

To Apply for Academic Forgiveness

Procedures for applying for Academic Forgiveness are:

A) A student applies for Academic Forgiveness GPA through the Academic Standards Committee.

Download the Academic Forgiveness Petition (pdf).

B) A student must apply no later than the academic term prior to the one when the degree will be granted. (Students wishing to apply are encouraged to do so as soon as possible after qualifying).

C) When applying, the student must indicate the point at which he or she wishes the Academic Forgiveness GPA to begin.

Students who applying for Academic Forgiveness will meet with the Academic Standards Committee. The same deadlines apply for student requesting for academic forgiveness. To see the dates and deadlines, please view the reinstatement procedures.