Student Academic Progress Report
Instructors of new freshmen will be contacted during the fifth week of the semester and requested to indicate for each new freshman enrolled in their course(s) whether the student is performing at a Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory level. Grades will not be assigned, but instructors will be encouraged to consider A-C performance as satisfactory and D-F performance as unsatisfactory.
For each new freshman performing unsatisfactorily in a given course, the instructor will be requested to indicate perceived reasons for the poor performance (i.e., poor attendance, poor performance on examinations or other graded assignments, poor class participation, insufficient out-of-class preparation, lack of prerequisite skills required by course, other). If an instructor is unable to judge either the level of student performance or the reasons for unsatisfactory performance, an “unable to judge” checkoff will be provided to indicate that the requested information is unavailable.
If a student receives any unsatisfactory reports, the Student Academic Progress Report will be posted to KSIS prior to the end of the sixth week of classes.